September Birthstone | About Sapphires and Jewellery

September Birthstone | About Sapphires and Jewellery

A blue as deep and mystical as the sea, with a unique dazzle that shimmers purple. Sapphires have an iconic beauty adored over the ages and are featured on many famous pieces of jewellery. They are the stone of September, and they can be worn every day of the year with a 9 on the Moh's hardness scale.


As these gems are most recognized in their dark blue form, we chose to focus on the classic sapphire for this blog. It may surprise you that sapphires come in a wide range of colours. If you are interested in seeing such, check out our sapphire collection on the website or visit us in-store to see more options.

Also read: Birthstones 101 - Meanings, History and Traditions




Sapphires have been sought after by many different cultures for thousands of years. The stone has been popular since the Middle Ages and is commonly found in Asia, Oceania and Africa. As mentioned in our birthstone blog, it is " of the rarest gemstones and one of the few stones that can naturally produce a six-pointed pattern." Sapphires are often associated with royalty, with Queen Marie of Romania and Princess Diana having owned two iconic pieces of jewellery as examples. Nowadays, this gem adorns the necks, wrists, fingers and more of many, and is known as the stone of 45th anniversaries.




Regarding spirituality, sapphires are considered the stone of wisdom. They are believed to help clear your mind. And, as we mention in our birthstone blog, the stone is thought to "...protect the wearer from physical harm by repelling bad intentions and envy." This gem is also associated with love, especially when blue. And it isn't hard to believe, with its rich blue colouring and flecks of dark, romantic purple. Tying into this, sapphires are associated with commitment, loyalty, fidelity and chastity, making them a great gift for a partner who has stuck by your side for years.




Cleaning your sapphires is simple. For gold or platinum jewellery, fill a small bowl with warm water and a bit of mild dish soap. It is important to make sure the soap does not contain any abrasives. Let your jewellery soak for 10 to 20 minutes. Pull the piece out and gently scrub with a very soft toothbrush or your fingers. Rinse the item thoroughly and then pat dry with a jewellery cloth. Patting your piece dry is a great way to prevent water marks from forming on your gem.

To clean a sapphire set in sterling silver, repeat the same steps but instead of warm water use hot and instead of dish soap use baking soda. Let your jewellery sit for only two to three minutes in the solution.

A word of caution, you should be careful with how you store your sapphires regarding other gems. Since sapphires are a 9 on the Moh's hardness scale, they should be kept separate from softer stones, such as ammolite and jade. Harder stones can scratch softer ones. To learn more about the Moh's scale of hardness and see how your gems rank, check out the blog below.

Moh's Hardness Scale, Explained


Swarovski Crystal Alternatives


Swarovski Crystal boasts a plethora of dark blue crystals. Bermuda Blue in particular bears a striking resemblance to sapphire. Swarovski crystals are not only cost-efficient, but they have their own unique beauty too. These crystals are iconic and have been featured in Haute Couture. Debra Nelson creates a lot of jewellery with Bermuda Blue crystals, you can also occasionally find them in the work of Karley Smith and Lisa Ridout. These artists use a plethora of other blue Swarovski crystals as well, so if you're interested in blue crystal jewellery in general, be sure to check them out!

To see more stunning blue-centric pieces, check out the blog below:

Something Blue by Artina's


Photography by Danielle Mier

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